Women’s Wellness for the New Year, and a New You: Five Women’s Healthcare Goals You Can Set for 2019

With the 2019 new year here, thoughts and talk about new year’s resolutions will abound. But did you know that after the first week, only 75 percent of people keep those resolutions, and by February that number reduces to almost 40 percent?
Maintaining proper women’s healthcare has a lot of moving parts — including everyday activities like eating, sleeping and brushing your teeth, as well as occasional preventative care like mammograms. Here are five easy- to-achieve goals to set for the new year when it comes to your health and wellness:
Make self-breast examination routine.
We recommend doing a self-breast exam once per month in the shower or lying down. Roughly 40% of breast cancer diagnoses result from women finding a lump during self-examination. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among women, and one in eight women will receive this diagnosis in her lifetime. It’s also a good idea to talk to your CWC physician during your annual visit about scheduling a mammogram when the time is right, if you don’t already have one scheduled. Here are a couple of links to step-by-step instructions for doing a breast self-exam: One from The National Breast Cancer Foundation and one from The Maurer Foundation for Breast Health Education.
Optimize your exercise routine / activity levels.
If you don’t like to work out, don’t fret. A brisk 30-minute walk at lunch every day will get you the recommended amount of physical activity adults need. Make sure to add muscle-strengthening activities to your regimen — like weightlifting or push-ups — twice per week to maintain muscle mass as you age.
Practice portion control (and reduce those pesky calories)
Nobody likes to hear the word “diet.” Instead, focus on consuming the foods you like to eat in reasonably sized portions. Here are some common measurements for foods and beverages, and how to eyeball them when you’re on the go.
- 1 teaspoon = a water bottle cap’s worth in liquid
- 1 tablespoon = 1⁄2 of a walnut in a shell or a half-full shot glass
- 1⁄4 cup = golf ball
- 1⁄2 cup = 1⁄2 of a baseball 1 oz = 4 dice
Reducing calories does not have to mean starving yourself. A few simple diet and lifestyle changes like exercise, proper hydration and increased protein and reduced carb intake can help you lose weight and feel satisfied. Here’s a link to a great little quick tool to find out how many calories you should eat per day to lose weight (and some great calorie-reducing tips too): Click this link!
Be more present.
Life is so loud and busy with so many distractions. One thing that you can do to minimize the effects of these distractions is being more present. That means deciding to savor each moment, whenever possible. Whether it’s at home when you or your kids are eating breakfast or at one of their basketball games, be there physically and mentally.
That means knowing when to put your phone down and give your complete attention to whatever is going on in the moment. The number one comment we get from older parents that we see is that, “Kids grow up so fast.” One minute they’re little, the next they are driving and they don’t want to have missed anything in-between.
A helpful daily reminder to stop and treasure the little moments could be a sign or plaque or poster (look online, there are plenty; we love one that says, “Inhale | Exhale” – google it and look at images). Every time you see it, you’ll be reminded to stop, breathe, and embrace the moment.
Don’t let having a Pap smear or gynecological evaluation fall off your radar. Make an appointment today for the appropriate time in the coming year. Our doctors Snook, Warren and Koss can help you with questions or concerns related to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), heavy menstrual bleeding, family planning, menopause management and more aspects of comprehensive women’s health.
Make next year your healthiest year yet!
For more information about women’s health and wellness, check out our other Contemporary Women’s Care blog posts for many useful articles. If you have any questions about your wellness, or if you would like to know more about setting and keeping those goals for the new year, feel free to call our office at 407-478-6249, and we’d be happy to discuss achieving your wellness goals for 2019! You can also set up an appointment by contacting us today!
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