Most Important Things to Pack for Your Trip to the Hospital

Congratulations! Baby is arriving soon and it is time to pack your hospital bag. It can be stressful trying to decide on what to bring and what to leave behind. You might even be worried you will leave something behind. You have enough on your plate, the last thing you need to be stressing about is your hospital bag. Here are some packing tips and a bag check list to help minimize your stress during the final days before baby.
Pack your bag in advance
Try to have your bag packed by 8 months or 32 weeks. That way you’ll be ready to go when you go into labor.
Don’t forget! Partners should also pack a bag of their own to ensure their time at the hospital is comfortable as well.
Clothing Labor
- A hospital gown if you choose to wear your own
- Warm, non-skid socks that you can throw away after delivery (it can get messy!)
- Sports bra
- Lip balm and lotion
- Remember: Leave your fancy jewelry at home! You will be asked to remove it and don’t want to lose it.
- One or two pairs of socks
- Flip flops
- At least one pair of pajamas (Stick to darker colors in case of any heavy bleeding)
- A couple pairs of underwear
- Nursing bra if you plan on breastfeeding
- Going home outfit. (Don’t forget to have your partner pack a going home outfit as well!)
- Going home outfit
- Socks or booties if the outfit doesn’t have feet
- Baby blanket
- Cell Phones and all necessary chargers
- Camera with extra batteries or charger
- iPod and/or speaker if you plan on listening to music
- Sugar-free hard candy
- Your favorite non-perishable food items for snacks
- If you take medications, bring them in their original prescription bottle (And talk to your doctor in advance!)
- Don’t bring your entire wallet (just another thing to lose) • Driver’s license, credit card, insurance card
- Hospital forms, birth wishes if you have them
- Book/magazine for light reading
- Don’t forget a hair tie, hair brush, tooth brush, favorite shampoo
- Glasses, contact lenses, and solution
• Baby book for footprints
• Although not in your “hospital bag,” don’t forget to have your car seat installed in your car
• If it’s cold, make sure you have extra warm clothing and blankets for baby
Have any questions about your hospital bag? Contact us today!
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